Ecosystem Management

MFS is very sensitive to disturbing the natural balance of our ecosystem. One major objective is the preservation of the habitat of the spotted salamander. As forester's in western Pa we are careful not to disturb vernal pools, the home of such an ecologically sensitive species. The Indiana Bat is protected in forests during the months of April through August, preventing the commercial harvest of timber.


Land and Stream Management

Strategic Exotic Invasive Control

Through human interaction, or through unintended causation, invasive species can be introduced to an environment. Sometimes with devastating repercussions, and sometimes with mutually beneficial ones. At MFS we seek to control the spread of invasive species, yet allow Mother Nature to run her course. The only way to stay unobtrusive is to control the impact that you have while conducting business in the outdoors, and MFS is aware of this.

Habitat Preservation

MFS seeks to participate in activities that could have a positive impact to wildlife habitat. MFS is committed to the awareness that our services that we are providing to our customers can have detrimental impacts to the ecosystem.





Timber Reclamation and Harvest

Through the use of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), Millstone can ensure that you can continue to harvest your valuable timber multiple times over the years. By implementing a plan, harvesting select timber, and controlling invasive species Millstone Land Management can help grow your timber at a more sustainable rate. Millstone Land Management also watches for high value timber on the land. This high value timber has the potential to increase land value dramatically. 

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